Friday, August 10, 2018

Dokter 24 - Diare Bayi, Bisa Jadi Keracunan Makanan, Bahaya ! (with English Subtitle)

Hi, Sobat Sehat! I'm dr. Silvi At this moment, I will share information and health tips at Dokter 24 Don't forget to subscribe and like this channel. It's sad to see our baby having diarrhea. Moreover if in a day, the baby has pooped frequently.

Well, it can be caused by several factors. The factors are There is infection of parasite, bacteria, or virus, which come from the unhygienic stuffs touched by the baby. Moreover, baby immune system is still developing and prone to any disease. Besides, the impact of food poisoning, drinking too much of fruit juice, food allergic, and consuming or allergic to the wrong medicine Diarrhea can be cured by preventing dehydration.

Mother should give more breast milk to the baby or giving electrolyte water. If there are none of them, mother can give rice water or soup broth Besides, giving Zinc to reduce the diarrhea is good as well. The next step is giving nutrients so the baby can be strong and growing If the baby has fever, liquid pooping frequently the baby eats a little and it's not getting any better in three days, take the baby immediately to the doctor to get the further treatment..

Dokter 24 - Diare Bayi, Bisa Jadi Keracunan Makanan, Bahaya ! (with English Subtitle)

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