Followed by a glass of heavy laxative that will work after 30 minutes. Lets start - in 30 minutes! I do not notice anything. This is such a bad idea.. Then we welcome you to this gym in Oslo, and to this soccer match with a really bad stomach Morten Ramm's team are Diarl Madrid, and consists of Morten Ramm, retired hockeyplayer Erik Follestad and the real soccer player Mads Hansen.
On Stian Blipp's team - "Poopelona" - the team consists of the stand up comedian Martin Lepperd, Jan Tore Kristoffersen, Henrik Bjrnson and of course - Stian Blipp himself. You still havent told us anything about why you particularly chose us to be on your team, Stian? It's because you said yes to be a part of this. Todays match lasts for 15 minutes and every player has their own toilet available - behind the white curtain on the sideline. The match will NOT stop, regardless if someone has to use the toilet.
So here the players have to keep their stomachs in check, so they have players on the field. ONE, TWO, THREE! - POOPELONA! Now we are ready for kickoff. It's been 30 minutes since the players consumed the laxatives. We can also see that the referee also gonna have a shot of the laxative.
NOW WE'RE STARTING! Follestad is trying. It seems like the laxatives haven't started to work YET. The players are moving relatively slow and easy. "Poopelona" continues.
It's such a good play on the edge there - open goal for Blipp! But the heading goes over! He really should have sent "Poopelona" in to a winning position there. Entry for Diaral. Follestad. And there we have our 1-0! Morten Ramm gives Diaral Madrid 1-0 - but "Poopelona" can answer this, which they do aswell! Stian Blipp! He cant reach that one! That was such a long step! Starting to struggle a little bit, doesn't he? Is the going to keep it in, or does he have to...? I almost shat myself there! He has to go to a trip to behind the curtains..
And there we have to first player that have lost the battle! Now its 3 against 3 on the field. And that should be an advantage for Ramm and his team... And Bjrnson scores! That is a good goal, and maybe "Poopelona" is better without Blipp. It seems so.
Wow, look at the way he puts that one in! 3-1 To Poopelona, they cant give this away unless another guy has to shit. And now they are only two guys on the field, and we can see Martin sitting here. (Holy f**k) It stings so much! (Yeah, it hurts) But, this is dramatic for Poopelona! How is Diaral gonna respond to this? We see that the smell is a weapon that Poopelona can use for their advantage. Please, hurry up! I have to go soon! Im not even kidding.
Seariously, hurry up! I have to go! Ramm gives a message that he is starting to feel the pressure. Jesus christ, are you serious? Stian Blipp is ready, as well as Martin Lepperd! Poopelona is now a full crew, and Morten Ramm has to go. Poopelona - 4 against 2 now! Now we have to take advantage of the situation! I never get finished! That is good! Great save from Mads Hansen! This is not good at all, Stian! Martin Lepperd dissapears once again! Jan Tore Kristoffersen follows him! Morten, can you please finish up soon, because im about to shit myself. Yes, but im not quite finished yet.
Seriously, im on the third round now. Seems like Follestad also have to go soon. There goes Follestad! Now we're 2 against 1! - What the f**k is happening?! There is something wrong here?! Diaral wants the goal, but they only have one player left on the field, Mads Hansen! And Hansen scores! - What a player! Come on, Mads! And there we have it, once again! Mads Hansen is fixing everything all by himself. And right now it is 3-3! - We're just gonna sit here a little bit longer Martin Lepperd is back.
And the referee has to go! And Poopelona is now a four player team! Now it's only a short amount of time left! Misses a great oppourtunity on an open goal! Jesus f***ing christ.. Here comes Mads Hansen, outplaying Blipp! Only seconds left remaining! He's playing with the wall! -They are better when they are taking a shit. What a goal, take a look at this! He's playing it to Morten Ramm that is taking a shit! ...Gets the ball in return and makes it a 4-3! -Time to throw in the towel or? And there the referee blows off the match! Diaral has won the game! But none of the players can be classified as winners today and I can really say that it is a little bit unbelievable what people do to come on TV..

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